"Pinelands: New Jersey's Suburban Wilderness" Signed

"Pinelands: New Jersey's Suburban Wilderness" Signed


A monograph of Albert's fine-art work photographing the beauty of New Jersey's Pinelands National Reserve.

Home to many rare and endangered flora and fauna and a 17 trillion-gallon aquifer, the Pinelands National Reserve is New Jersey’s largest natural resource and needs to be preserved for future generations. This monograph is the product of a nine-year journey through the Pinelands, a.k.a. the Pine Barrens, undertaken to visually record its beauty and uniqueness.

These high-quality art photographs show the lowlands, cedar swamps, rivers, forest, and bogs, and expose the Pinelands’ singular beauty. Most of the locations were scouted well in advance—sometimes years—to ensure the photographs would be taken under optimal conditions.

Each copy of this book is signed by the author.

ISBN: 9780764348815
Size: 11” x 8.5”
Illustrations: 84 color photos
Pages: 144 pp
Binding: hard cover
Published: 2015

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This monograph has been a dream of mine since I started seriously recording the magnificent
landscape of the New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve. Morning after brilliant morning, while
setting up my equipment, I would say to myself, “Why am I the only one here to see this?” The
more I photographed, the more I became an advocate for the Pine Barrens. By publishing this
book, I am hoping more people will become aware of this wonderful natural resource and work
toward preserving it for generations to come.
— Albert D. Horner
Albert Horner’s photographic essay is an invitation to discover, explore and fall in love with
the Pine Barrens. His photos capture the essence of its beauty and mystery, and will undoubtedly
encourage new visitors to adopt the Pine Barrens as their own intimate wild haven.
— Michele S. Byers, N.J. Conservation Foundation Executive Director
(Horner’s) work helps people understand why the New Jersey Pine Barrens is so valuable, and
so vulnerable.
— Carleton Montgomery, Pinelands Preservation Alliance Executive Director